Thursday, October 29, 2009


What do they Do?
What are They?

Here are a couple of articles from Dr. Mercola's website.

Posted by: Dr. Mercola
July 10 2002 | 1,678 views

Diets rich in vitamin C and E may delay the onset of memory-robbing Alzheimer's disease.

Compounds called free radicals that are released during normal cell processes can be harmful to body tissues, leading to so-called oxidative damage or stress. Experts have linked oxidative stress to several illnesses, including cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease.

Since antioxidants -- including vitamins C and E -- can neutralize free radicals, some experts believe these nutrients could help delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

One set of researchers found that those with the highest intake of vitamin C and vitamin E from food appeared to be the least likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. Smokers who consumed the most beta-carotene and flavanoids -- two types of antioxidant nutrients -- also appeared to cut their Alzheimer's risk..

Other researchers found that those with the highest dietary intake of vitamin E had the lowest risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. But people who carried a gene known to increase Alzheimer's risk did not see any benefit from vitamin E consumption.

Neither of the studies showed any reduction in the risk of developing Alzheimer's among people who took dietary supplements like daily vitamin pills that contained antioxidants. A benefit only appeared when the nutrients were consumed in food.

An accompanying editorial suggests that perhaps some other component of food slows progression of Alzheimer's disease.

JAMA June 26, 2002;287:3223-3237, 3261-3263

A high intake of flavonoids -- antioxidant compounds found in certain fruits and vegetables -- may cut risks for fatal heart attack in older women by more than a third. Consumption of broccoli, especially, was strongly associated with reduced risk of coronary heart disease death in postmenopausal women. Flavonoids are found in numerous fruits and vegetables, as well as in certain types of tea. These compounds are thought to be antioxidants -- compounds capable of 'mopping up' free radicals, the harmful byproducts of normal metabolism.

Numerous studies have suggested that antioxidants help prevent cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses. The study focused on daily intake of three major sources of flavonoids -- apples, broccoli, and tea.

Of the three sources, only high broccoli consumption was associated with significant reductions in heart attack. Flavonoids appear to reduce oxidation of LDL ('bad') cholesterol in the bloodstream, preventing cholesterol from sticking to artery walls, which can lead to clogged arteries and boost heart attack risk.

American Journal of Epidemiology May 15, 1999;149:943-949


Some people regard true health in association with being Vegetarian. While I don't necessarily agree, there is research to suggest vegetarians live healthier lives. For example a famous American Naturopath and Iridiologist and Chiropractor, Bernard Jensen, trekked to Tibet, I think around the 1960's to meet the HUNZAS.

Have you heard of them? They were considered to be one of the healthiest groups of people in the world at the time. They ate mainly vegetarian, because meat was scarce. They also ate Apricots which were plentiful and drank from a glacial stream which was white with minerals.

They usually lived to well over the 100 mark, and some even grew another set of adult teeth after 120 yrs. They had scarce transport, so relied on the traditional way, using their legs and a few animals. Their skin was still very good, brown and smooth.

While their main starch was made into Chapattis I am going to offer you a dish from nearby India made of my favourite grain, GLUTEN-FREE rice!! I have suffered from bloating and stomach distension for many years despite doing what I thought was the right thing in my diet. I just put it down to stubborn CANDIDA albicans until I thought I would try a gluten-free diet.

Hooray! My tummy has shrunk back to what I would expect, except when I do the wrong thing!! I now no longer look 7 months pregnant all the time.

RICE with Broccoli and Almonds

This fancy dish is ideal for party catering or for a special lunch or dinner.

Preparation Time:
5 mins Cooking Time: 30-40 mins For: 4 or 5 people 1 cup (250 ml) Basmati Rice or other long grain white rice 4 green cardamon pods
2 cups (500 mls) water
3/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp turmeric
3 tblsp (60 mls) ghee or oil (Rice Bran is good)
1 4cm (1 1/2") cinnamon stick
6 whole cloves
1/3 cup slivered or sliced raw almonds
1 cup fresh broccoli or other greens, broken into tiny florets

Wash, drain, and dry the rice
Lightly tap each cardamon pod to partially crush
Bring the water, salt, and turmeric slowly to a boil in a 2-litre/quart saucepan over moderate heat.
4. Heat the ghee or oil in another 2-litre/quart saucepan over moderately low heat. Fry the cinnamon stick, cloves, bruised cardamon pods, and almonds in the hot ghee until almonds turn pale golden brown.
Add the rice and saute for about 2 mins or until the grains turn whitish. Pour in the boiling salted turmeric water and vegetable/s. Stir, increase the heat to high, and bring water to a full boil. Immediately reduce heat to low, cover with a tight fitting lid, and gently simmer, without stirring, for 15-20 mins or until all the water is absorbed and the rice is tender and flaky. Serve hot.

I use this basic recipe to cook most of my rice dishes, adding whatever vegetables I have in the larder.

My mother has just brought into me some lovely recipes I will share with you that she found in old magazines she had on her shelf. My mother is the most amazing cook, which is where, no doubt, I formed my love and passion for cooking.

She, at the age of 50 and my father at 57, sold up their house in Sydney and headed north to the wilds of the Blackall Range west of the Sunshine coast, at Flaxton. They bought a beautiful block of land and built a Tudor style home and restaurant, to serve Devonshire Teas. It was to be the first built on the Blackall Range in 1970. However, another tearoom opened about the same time at Montville.Here is a photo of the "clan" - My father, me and my son David, aged 2, Mum, my brother's wife Bryony with her baby Emma, and my husband, Mike outside the front door, just after it opened.

Mum then proceeded to make her special scones every day. She made around 200 of them a day, for the time they stayed. Devotees to her cooking came as far as from Brisbane once she got known. She also invented a special cheesecake recipe which is now fairly common. It is still my favourite recipe for cheescake. Eventually she extended herself to cooking evening meals using recipes from her favourite author, Greta Anna. Cordon Bleu dishes, made simple!! Wow!

Perhaps she will share! I will ask her.

By the way, she is 91 yrs old and still pretty fit and rarely ill. She says she owes that to her genes and sticking to my advice on health and supplements. We still go "on the town" together and she is still capable of walking around for several hours at a time. All her friends are dropping like flies with all sorts of diseases and ailments. Mum has a little bit of arthritis, and her doctor says her blood pressures is that of a 17 yr old!

Her diet is based on Naturopathic principles (apart from a glass of wine before dinner) and having everything in moderation.

Well done mum!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

ACID ALKALINE - which is it?

I hope this picture of the fruit will give you an idea of what I am going to tell you about acid and alkaline. What goes into the body as "acid" like citrus fruit, is changed by the enzymes in your digestive system, to become alkaline in the tissues.

If the tissues i.e. muscles and connective tissue becomes too acid (mucusy) then oxygen cannot get into the cells. The cells then cannot "breathe" and eliminate or burn up the rubbish it accumulates. That makes YOU, very SLUGGISH!!

However, if you eat foods that are not going to create acid, then your body has a chance of cleaning out and making you feel more energetic in the process. Why not try a diet of juices, fruit and salads for just a week, and see how you feel.

My suggestion for lunch is a mixed salad, which can contain any vegetable grown above the ground and NO WHEAT products - like pasta!!

  • Leafy greens, such as lettuce, Rocket, spinach leaves, etc.
  • Tomatoes, either fresh or dried
  • Bell peppers or capsicum,
  • Cucumbers, such as Lebanese, or regular
  • Sprouts such as alfalfa or bean
  • Avocado, a most nutritious food
  • Celery
  • Fennel - wonderful for digestion
  • Snap peas
  • Nuts, such as cashews, pistachio, almonds
  • Spanish onion - a little milder than the brown or white variety
  • Capers
Whatever you can find -

Let me give you a great, healthy dressing for this delectable dish :)

Juice of 1 Lemon
Olive Oil to same amount
1 tsp natural honey
Shake or blend until creamy colour. YUM!!!

Let me explain what foods are considered ACID-FORMING:

  • ALL Dairy Products - yes, that means milk and cheese! :( (My favourite)
  • Cerals and Grains
  • Wheat Products, such as Pasta, Semolina
Oh Dear! I can hear you say, so what can I eat!

Well of course you can have SOME Acid-Forming food, but remember the less the better.

A great rule to remember is NEVER combine meat with starches in the same meal for best diet of all. So for example, if you want chicken for a main course, combine it with a fresh salad.

Have a STARCH at lunchtime with your salad. Try to have a wholegrain starch if possible. If your digestion won't handle it, then have white rice, potato or corn.

Don't forget you can add yummy flavours to your meats such as Pesto, herbs, garlic and lemon zest or juice.

If you are vegetarian, then there are wonderful recipes for you. Will give you a great simple recipe for you next time.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Is it any wonder so many people have arthritis! We eat foods which exacerbate arthritis and other similar diseases. Do you know what kinds of foods do this?

That's right, acid-forming foods. You know, many people don't know what that means, so perhaps I will explain a little about them.

Proper functioning of the body depends on the pH. I am sure you have heard that we should have an more alkaline system. Right? Well that is PARTLY right, but mostly wrong!!

You see different parts of the digestive system, and even the muscle cells and connective tissue of the body has specific pH's. So now I have confused you I guess!

Well let's just aim to reduce the overall acidity in our body by having food which does not create more acid in our tissues, which is the end result, isn't it.

For example by having something acid in water first thing in the morning, makes the body react to make it alkaline! How clever are we!!!

So by having lemon juice (1 lemon) and add it to purified water (with no toxins in it, like chlorine, fluoride, etc) and drinking it, we give the body a chance to clean out a little. It is difficult to get pure water these days because of all the toxins in the soil and air. However, I use a Reverse Osmosis device which purifies my water eliminating all the toxins and leaving some minerals remaining.

Others will argue for their brands and types, but I find this works well for me.

Next, have a large selection of fresh fruit in season if possible. Eat melons on their own, without other fruits at time of consumption.

Avoid having any starch food, like cereal, bread, rice, etc. with it. BREAK FAST is
exactly that, you are breaking a self-imposed short fast of about 8 - 10 hours since the previous meal. Therefore the body responds best to a gentle induction of your type of foods.

However, you may like to add some nuts, such as almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts which are high in calcium, B6 and minerals such as magnesium (for a healthy heart and muscles).

You can also drink a herbal tea, or even a combination of herbs such as Chamomile and Mint, Fennel and Cinnamon, or Rosehips. I like a particular herbal coffee made of Arabica coffee beans (no caffeine) and Ganoderma a special Asian mushroom which has amazing healing properties. I drink at least four cups a day to get my intake to the level I need of this mushroom. It is delicious.

Incidentally, this breakfast is suitable for ALL diseases and conditions, not just Arthritis.

Next time I will give some ideas and recipe which is non-acid producing. So why is it so important not to have an ACID system?

Acid produces MUCUS!!! Your mucus membranes are drowning in mucus, and cancer and bacteria, just LOVE to grow in it.

Have you heard of people detoxing coughing up heaps of mucus? Their bodies were just trying to get rid of the waste the quickest way possible. Isn't the body wonderful?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Small Beginnings

I have been thinking of writing a book about RECIPES for patients and friends which would include some advice to help their various conditions.

My background as an Alternative Practitioner for around 40 years and my various Diplomas and Certificates in Nutrition, Herbs, Homeopathy, and so on, gives me, I think the qualifications to present my ideas and indeed my successes in encouraging others to use my techniques and recipes.

My love of colour and my passion for cooking healthy food, I hope, will be of some value to you or your family.

Of course, it behoves me to explain a few basic things before we start!

Obviously most of us have to obtain the food we eat from somewhere and then proceed to prepare and sometimes cook it by some means. Shall I make a list for you to look at!

1. Purchase Organically grown food where possible to obtain the most nutrition available.

2. Living food provides the most nourishment. If you kill it with cooking, you kill the enzymes whichhelp you digest food and some of the vitamins and minerals.

3. So eat fresh food where possible.

4. DO NOT USE A MICROWAVE OVEN! (Toss it out, or give it to some fisherman to use as an anchor.!!!)

5. Use best quality kitchenware, so
NO - Aluminium - saucepans, or cookware, foil wrap
NO - TEFLON ware - Use glass, ceramic (un-cracked), or Stainless Steel (learn to cook without burning)

6. STEAM your food with all the wonderful pots and pans and bamboo things that are around now.

7. DO NOT ADD SALT to your cooking. Salt draws out the goodness into the pot along with moisture. Try it on yourself sometime, in the bath! You will come out looking like a prune!!!!

8. DO NOT USE MARGARINE. It is one molecule off being a plastic. Yummmmy!

9. Use all NATURAL rather than chemical substances. For instance, READ your LABELS, watch out for the additives and, most of all

10. DO NOT USE CANOLA OIL!!!!!! It will kill you. I don't like Peanut Oil either. Use Olive oil, or Avocado, or Macadamia, or Hemp Oil, or Rice Bran Oil. Sesame Oil is wonderful to add as a flavour at the last moments of cooking broccoli, for example.

All the things I have mentioned NOT to do, I have researched, as can you. PLEASE Google them and read some articles about them. Don't take my word for it.

Here is just one website:

Next time I will give a great Vegetarian recipe and explain what I recommended it for. . . . .