Tuesday, October 27, 2009

ACID ALKALINE - which is it?

I hope this picture of the fruit will give you an idea of what I am going to tell you about acid and alkaline. What goes into the body as "acid" like citrus fruit, is changed by the enzymes in your digestive system, to become alkaline in the tissues.

If the tissues i.e. muscles and connective tissue becomes too acid (mucusy) then oxygen cannot get into the cells. The cells then cannot "breathe" and eliminate or burn up the rubbish it accumulates. That makes YOU, very SLUGGISH!!

However, if you eat foods that are not going to create acid, then your body has a chance of cleaning out and making you feel more energetic in the process. Why not try a diet of juices, fruit and salads for just a week, and see how you feel.

My suggestion for lunch is a mixed salad, which can contain any vegetable grown above the ground and NO WHEAT products - like pasta!!

  • Leafy greens, such as lettuce, Rocket, spinach leaves, etc.
  • Tomatoes, either fresh or dried
  • Bell peppers or capsicum,
  • Cucumbers, such as Lebanese, or regular
  • Sprouts such as alfalfa or bean
  • Avocado, a most nutritious food
  • Celery
  • Fennel - wonderful for digestion
  • Snap peas
  • Nuts, such as cashews, pistachio, almonds
  • Spanish onion - a little milder than the brown or white variety
  • Capers
Whatever you can find -

Let me give you a great, healthy dressing for this delectable dish :)

Juice of 1 Lemon
Olive Oil to same amount
1 tsp natural honey
Shake or blend until creamy colour. YUM!!!

Let me explain what foods are considered ACID-FORMING:

  • ALL Dairy Products - yes, that means milk and cheese! :( (My favourite)
  • Cerals and Grains
  • Wheat Products, such as Pasta, Semolina
Oh Dear! I can hear you say, so what can I eat!

Well of course you can have SOME Acid-Forming food, but remember the less the better.

A great rule to remember is NEVER combine meat with starches in the same meal for best diet of all. So for example, if you want chicken for a main course, combine it with a fresh salad.

Have a STARCH at lunchtime with your salad. Try to have a wholegrain starch if possible. If your digestion won't handle it, then have white rice, potato or corn.

Don't forget you can add yummy flavours to your meats such as Pesto, herbs, garlic and lemon zest or juice.

If you are vegetarian, then there are wonderful recipes for you. Will give you a great simple recipe for you next time.

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