Sunday, October 25, 2009

Small Beginnings

I have been thinking of writing a book about RECIPES for patients and friends which would include some advice to help their various conditions.

My background as an Alternative Practitioner for around 40 years and my various Diplomas and Certificates in Nutrition, Herbs, Homeopathy, and so on, gives me, I think the qualifications to present my ideas and indeed my successes in encouraging others to use my techniques and recipes.

My love of colour and my passion for cooking healthy food, I hope, will be of some value to you or your family.

Of course, it behoves me to explain a few basic things before we start!

Obviously most of us have to obtain the food we eat from somewhere and then proceed to prepare and sometimes cook it by some means. Shall I make a list for you to look at!

1. Purchase Organically grown food where possible to obtain the most nutrition available.

2. Living food provides the most nourishment. If you kill it with cooking, you kill the enzymes whichhelp you digest food and some of the vitamins and minerals.

3. So eat fresh food where possible.

4. DO NOT USE A MICROWAVE OVEN! (Toss it out, or give it to some fisherman to use as an anchor.!!!)

5. Use best quality kitchenware, so
NO - Aluminium - saucepans, or cookware, foil wrap
NO - TEFLON ware - Use glass, ceramic (un-cracked), or Stainless Steel (learn to cook without burning)

6. STEAM your food with all the wonderful pots and pans and bamboo things that are around now.

7. DO NOT ADD SALT to your cooking. Salt draws out the goodness into the pot along with moisture. Try it on yourself sometime, in the bath! You will come out looking like a prune!!!!

8. DO NOT USE MARGARINE. It is one molecule off being a plastic. Yummmmy!

9. Use all NATURAL rather than chemical substances. For instance, READ your LABELS, watch out for the additives and, most of all

10. DO NOT USE CANOLA OIL!!!!!! It will kill you. I don't like Peanut Oil either. Use Olive oil, or Avocado, or Macadamia, or Hemp Oil, or Rice Bran Oil. Sesame Oil is wonderful to add as a flavour at the last moments of cooking broccoli, for example.

All the things I have mentioned NOT to do, I have researched, as can you. PLEASE Google them and read some articles about them. Don't take my word for it.

Here is just one website:

Next time I will give a great Vegetarian recipe and explain what I recommended it for. . . . .

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