Monday, October 26, 2009


Is it any wonder so many people have arthritis! We eat foods which exacerbate arthritis and other similar diseases. Do you know what kinds of foods do this?

That's right, acid-forming foods. You know, many people don't know what that means, so perhaps I will explain a little about them.

Proper functioning of the body depends on the pH. I am sure you have heard that we should have an more alkaline system. Right? Well that is PARTLY right, but mostly wrong!!

You see different parts of the digestive system, and even the muscle cells and connective tissue of the body has specific pH's. So now I have confused you I guess!

Well let's just aim to reduce the overall acidity in our body by having food which does not create more acid in our tissues, which is the end result, isn't it.

For example by having something acid in water first thing in the morning, makes the body react to make it alkaline! How clever are we!!!

So by having lemon juice (1 lemon) and add it to purified water (with no toxins in it, like chlorine, fluoride, etc) and drinking it, we give the body a chance to clean out a little. It is difficult to get pure water these days because of all the toxins in the soil and air. However, I use a Reverse Osmosis device which purifies my water eliminating all the toxins and leaving some minerals remaining.

Others will argue for their brands and types, but I find this works well for me.

Next, have a large selection of fresh fruit in season if possible. Eat melons on their own, without other fruits at time of consumption.

Avoid having any starch food, like cereal, bread, rice, etc. with it. BREAK FAST is
exactly that, you are breaking a self-imposed short fast of about 8 - 10 hours since the previous meal. Therefore the body responds best to a gentle induction of your type of foods.

However, you may like to add some nuts, such as almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts which are high in calcium, B6 and minerals such as magnesium (for a healthy heart and muscles).

You can also drink a herbal tea, or even a combination of herbs such as Chamomile and Mint, Fennel and Cinnamon, or Rosehips. I like a particular herbal coffee made of Arabica coffee beans (no caffeine) and Ganoderma a special Asian mushroom which has amazing healing properties. I drink at least four cups a day to get my intake to the level I need of this mushroom. It is delicious.

Incidentally, this breakfast is suitable for ALL diseases and conditions, not just Arthritis.

Next time I will give some ideas and recipe which is non-acid producing. So why is it so important not to have an ACID system?

Acid produces MUCUS!!! Your mucus membranes are drowning in mucus, and cancer and bacteria, just LOVE to grow in it.

Have you heard of people detoxing coughing up heaps of mucus? Their bodies were just trying to get rid of the waste the quickest way possible. Isn't the body wonderful?

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